Is this time more puzzleing or just pure luck?
Have more weaponz end enemies?
I like salt.
Age 35, Male
Jimminy Cricket Funky School
Joined on 3/12/04
Is this time more puzzleing or just pure luck?
Have more weaponz end enemies?
More puzzleing this time, sir!
I've been waiting for this game since the first. Can't wait.
We're working hard. :O
Feels like I've already heard this game OH WAIT I DID. It sounds pretty awesome. :) Can't wait to play!
You should make a game with Ebul, he was a neat character
Yea, I still really like that concept and the character. It's a shame it had to be rushed so much because it was for the Jayisgames contest. I have some plans for it already, but first things first, y'know.
Looking like molkman Lol , Looks good hope you make lots of monies D:
Lotsa monies would be cool, yes.
Hit me up if you need any art for that one ;)
I'll let you know when the time's right, hun. <3
Absolutely loved the first one, played it over 10 times, have been waiting for the sequel since I first beaten it. Can't wait to play it!
Also, I feel you on the FGL ignore thing. It happens a lot and without any base for reason at all... I mean, I had a 1-day-game receive an offer the minute it was approved for sponsorship, and a longer, more complex game of mine has still not received anything for a month. shit stinks, i want my $$$ and release the game already!
those guys don't look for lucky... should be called unlucky torture times. D8
Their luck seems to have run out, yes
Anselm! You work at Film Bilder :D ..that's so cool.
Yea, he's working there and spreading love.
when will it be finished my good sir?
Production is rolling nicely at the moment, we're trying real hard to get it done this year.
It looks ausum! Will have lines to you this weekend :D