Hello kids! The crazy medals for our funky game Lucky Tower, which is currently chilling out on the frontpage, have finally arrived! All aboard the fun-train!
I like salt.
Age 35, Male
Jimminy Cricket Funky School
Joined on 3/12/04
Posted by molkman - October 28th, 2010
Hello kids! The crazy medals for our funky game Lucky Tower, which is currently chilling out on the frontpage, have finally arrived! All aboard the fun-train!
Posted by molkman - October 21st, 2010
Yo cowdogs, the funkily crazy CATGAME from LazyMuffin and meh is definatly out now like nothing has ever been out before, baby! It's been delayed and pushed back for too long now, so here it is finally accompanied by a serious blast.
Go hit it up right about now and have some real good times!
Posted by molkman - August 9th, 2010
Hey fellows, I submitted my newest flash, Days Of Yore to the Portal yesterday and it got funky Daily 5th, baby! It was part of this year's TOFA, but it didn't get me into the finale eventually.
I've also finished that game I've been gathering beta testers for in my previous news post, now called "Ebul" and running in the Casual Gameplay Design Competition, so I can't submit it to NG the next three weeks. But it will hit the Portal right after that, dogs! Don't worry!
Posted by molkman - July 28th, 2010
Hey guys, I'm making a game for the Casual Gameplay Design Competition #8 that must be finished this Saturday. It's a kind of puzzle-typeish platformer. I need some funky people to test it out a little, so comment here or send a pm. Below is a screenshot of the game.
The other game, done with Lazymuffin, Cat Game, is completely finished, but still being succesfully ignored by sponsors.
Posted by molkman - June 14th, 2010
Yotam Perel and me have just recently finished a brand spankin' new flash game that involves cat corpses and we need some handsome Newgrounds fellows to test the shit our of our game. So send me a PM or notify me through a nasty comment if you, dear noble person, are interested!
Posted by molkman - May 2nd, 2010
People. While I've been pretty slow finishing up new Flash stuff, although I got like a million open and really cool projects close to the end or at least started and in swell shape, one game together with Yotam Perel being brand spankin' done and awaiting release, I've been more active making music with my band Waist Of Time, in which exotworking co-buddy the nose is also participating. We've just released our brand new and professionally recorded songs the other day. They can also be heard here on NG.
And make sure to tell us what you think.
I have also recently and more frequently released some simple, computer-generated music, but apparently NG is hatin' on them. :C
This, Zees and this unbelievable sha-zam!
Check these out too, get spankin' and be on the lookout for the new game!
Posted by molkman - May 1st, 2009
Together with Ukinojoe, I have made a extremely actionous ACTIONGAME called ACTIONPALS. Action action action action. Play it now. It's worth the late.
Are there medals? No! Who needs medals! The greatest achievement is made in the mind!
Posted by molkman - December 25th, 2008
I threw together a little oldschool game for le christmas. Checky out. Hope you likey. There's no music, but it kind of makes it more odlschool. (Cheap excuse)
Happy Christmas and such!
Posted by molkman - October 20th, 2008
Yayhooray, I finally finished and released my new game Look Out, Mr Johnson! and it's doing really well ride now. Come check it out now. I hope you enjoy it etcetcetc. It was meant for 2007, actually, but I am a lazy ass.
Also, the new AC/DC album is great, buy it now if you haven't.
Posted by molkman - November 21st, 2007
I got various things coming up soon, for example Intense Jungle Adventure, you can see a screenshot of that one in one of the previous news posts. It's coming along pretty well, all the levels are done, visually, only coding needs to be done (enemies, etc).
Below's a screenshot of another game I'm working on. In other news, I have started doing movies again, so keep an eye on exotworking.com and this profile for hot stuff.